

This model is a recreation of the Intamin ZacSpin coaster Kirnu, located at Linnanmäki. It’s also my first 3D printed roller coaster model, which required me to learn many software skills I did not have, prior to taking on this project. I decided on this recreation, as the layout is short, has a compact footprint, and features a unique car design. The relatively simple layout includes many features which have challenged my design and CAD skills.

Project Started in March 2021

The softwares FVD++ and NoLimits 2 were used for the layout design process, to create the coordinate data for points along the track. FVD++ is a design tool used to shape track sections for NoLimits 2, based on force inputs over desired intervals. I recreated the ZacSpin layout using FVD++, making the forces and shaping of the layout as accurate as possible. The coordinate points of the completed FVD++ model were imported into the roller coaster simulation program NoLimits 2, to create a virtual model of the ride.

For the CAD modeling process, the coordinate points of the NoLimits 2 model were imported into SolidWorks and used as the starting point. The track sections were designed first, followed by the supports, then the moving/mechanical elements were added. Each of these components had to be designed with 3D printing manufacturing in mind.

Every part of the CAD modeling process was a challenge for me, as I had little CAD skill prior to this project. The greatest challenge was designing every component with 3D printing manufacturing in mind. Some of my initial design approaches did not allow for the parts to be 3D printed, which led to many redesigns.

An example of this is the track sections, which took a few iterations to design correctly. My initial approach was to print large sections, using 3D printing support techniques, but these resulted in low-quality prints. A few redesigns later and a revised design of smaller track sections yielded much better 3D printing results.

This model is still under construction, so make sure to check out my Instagram page to stay up to date with progress on the project!